- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 自分を失った時人は自分らしくできない - 認知症なんて言わなかった、ぼけ老人と言っていた。認知症と言えば格好がつくとでも思っている。厚生労働省は誰でも何歳でも発症すると言っている。何と便利な。統合失調症も便利だが認知症も便利だ。医者にとって、厚生労働省にとって。皆、病人を出さなければない仕事だ。「認知症になっても自分らしく生きる社会」と書いてある。認知症...
    2 週間前



Joint Military Utility Assessment Three5翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three was conducted at Santa Rosa Island, Eglin AFB,
FL, in April 2006. The primary objective was to assess the capability of ADS to enhance
the force protection mission in port and harbor environments. The following personnel
were trained as weapon crew: three USCG personnel from the USCG Special Mission
Training Center (SMTC), Camp Lejeune and two airmen from the AF Security Forces
Center and 37th Security Forces Squadron, Lackland AFB. These trained personnel
participated in boat-on-water scenarios and pierside security demonstrations. Three
pierside demonstrations and three boat-on-water iterations were accomplished, with five
target boats per iteration. For this first-time, live-fire demonstration over water, safety
三部門統合軍事有用性査定3は、 2006年4月サンタローザ島エグリン空軍基地、フロリダで実施された。

20:31 2017/08/16水


20:49 2017/08/17木


20:40 2017/08/18金


21:34 2017/08/19土


21:46 2017/08/20日


Joint Military Utility Assessment Three4翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three was conducted at Santa Rosa Island, Eglin AFB,
FL, in April 2006. The primary objective was to assess the capability of ADS to enhance
the force protection mission in port and harbor environments. The following personnel
were trained as weapon crew: three USCG personnel from the USCG Special Mission
Training Center (SMTC), Camp Lejeune and two airmen from the AF Security Forces
Center and 37th Security Forces Squadron, Lackland AFB. These trained personnel
participated in boat-on-water scenarios and pierside security demonstrations. Three
pierside demonstrations and three boat-on-water iterations were accomplished, with five
target boats per iteration. For this first-time, live-fire demonstration over water, safety
三部門統合軍事有用性査定3は、 2006年4月サンタローザ島エグリン空軍基地、フロリダで実施された。

20:31 2017/08/16水


20:49 2017/08/17木


20:40 2017/08/18金


21:34 2017/08/19土曜日


Joint Military Utility Assessment Three3翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three was conducted at Santa Rosa Island, Eglin AFB,
FL, in April 2006. The primary objective was to assess the capability of ADS to enhance
the force protection mission in port and harbor environments. The following personnel
were trained as weapon crew: three USCG personnel from the USCG Special Mission
Training Center (SMTC), Camp Lejeune and two airmen from the AF Security Forces
Center and 37th Security Forces Squadron, Lackland AFB. These trained personnel
participated in boat-on-water scenarios and pierside security demonstrations. Three
pierside demonstrations and three boat-on-water iterations were accomplished, with five
target boats per iteration. For this first-time, live-fire demonstration over water, safety
三部門統合軍事有用性査定3は、 2006年4月サンタローザ島エグリン空軍基地、フロリダで実施された。

20:31 2017/08/16水


20:49 2017/08/17木


20:40 2017/08/18金


Joint Military Utility Assessment Three2翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three was conducted at Santa Rosa Island, Eglin AFB,
FL, in April 2006. The primary objective was to assess the capability of ADS to enhance
the force protection mission in port and harbor environments. The following personnel
were trained as weapon crew: three USCG personnel from the USCG Special Mission
Training Center (SMTC), Camp Lejeune and two airmen from the AF Security Forces
Center and 37th Security Forces Squadron, Lackland AFB. These trained personnel
participated in boat-on-water scenarios and pierside security demonstrations. Three
pierside demonstrations and three boat-on-water iterations were accomplished, with five
target boats per iteration. For this first-time, live-fire demonstration over water, safety
三部門統合軍事有用性査定3は、 2006年4月サンタローザ島エグリン空軍基地、フロリダで実施された。

20:31 2017/08/16水


20:49 2017/08/17木


Joint Military Utility Assessment Three1翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three was conducted at Santa Rosa Island, Eglin AFB,
FL, in April 2006. The primary objective was to assess the capability of ADS to enhance
the force protection mission in port and harbor environments. The following personnel
were trained as weapon crew: three USCG personnel from the USCG Special Mission
Training Center (SMTC), Camp Lejeune and two airmen from the AF Security Forces
Center and 37th Security Forces Squadron, Lackland AFB. These trained personnel
participated in boat-on-water scenarios and pierside security demonstrations. Three
pierside demonstrations and three boat-on-water iterations were accomplished, with five
target boats per iteration. For this first-time, live-fire demonstration over water, safety
三部門統合軍事有用性査定3は、 2006年4月サンタローザ島エグリン空軍基地、フロリダで実施された。

20:31 2017/08/16水


Joint Mirltary Utilty Assessment Two8翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


21:27 2017/08/08火


19:53 2017/08/09水


15:44 2017/08/10木


21:31 2017/08/11金


21:18 2017/08/12土


21:41 2017/08/15火



小型機が墜落か 奈良・山添 現場から黒煙、情報もと真夜中、私が辛島みどりの「さよなら」をYouTubeで見終わった途端、NewsがYahooNewsSiteに書き込まれた。


辛島=唐=中国で、島だから、台湾で、辛島 美登里は、台湾出身の違法入国者で前科持ち。
東芝EMI、ソニー・ミュージック、ユニバーサル ミュージック、テイチクが、こうした違法入国という犯罪を支えている。

辛島 美登里1961年5月28日 -

2007年ソニー・ミュージック (SMDR GT music)
ユニバーサル ミュージックグループ




14:50 2017/08/14月


Joint Military Utility Assessment Two7翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


21:27 2017/08/08火


19:53 2017/08/09水


15:44 2017/08/10木


21:31 2017/08/12土


21:18 2017/08/13日


Joint Military Utility Assessment Two6翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


21:27 2017/08/08火


19:53 2017/08/09水


15:44 2017/08/10木


21:31 2017/08/12土







21:29 2017/08/11金


Joint Miritary Utility Assessment Two5翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


21:27 2017/08/08火


19:53 2017/08/09水


15:44 2017/08/10木


Joint Miritary Utility Assessment Two4翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


21:27 2017/08/08火


19:53 2017/08/09水


Joint Military Utility AssessmentTwo3翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


21:27 2017/08/08火


Joint Military Utility Assessment Two2翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日

フォ一ト ブリス出身の前もって訓練された4人の兵士とクリ一ク出身の飛行士1名が、武器乗組員や新たに訓練された乗組員向け肩越し指導者として参加した。

21:27 2017/08/07月


Joint Military Utility Assessment Two1翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two

Joint Military Utility Assessment Two was conducted at Fort Benning, GA, in September 2005, at the McKenna MOUT Site.
Four previously trained soldiers from Fort Bliss and
one airman from Creech participated as weapon crew and over-the-shoulder mentors to
the newly trained crew, which included three soldiers from the 29th Infantry Regiment at
Fort Benning, and three Marines from the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp
Lejeune. Scenarios accomplished included obstacle reduction, three iterations; entry
control point, 3 hours overwatch; snatch and grab (prisoner recovery), two iterations,
including tactical repositioning of ADS; search and rescue, four iterations; and perimeter
security, six iterations. ADS crews fired 979 shots and achieved 1463 hits on human
targets. Friendly forces and OPFOR were volunteers from local Fort Benning units and
military retirees. Warfighters participating in this JMUA indicated strong agreement that
ADS can easily complement existing crowd control techniques

21:09 2017/08/06日


Field Demonstrations18翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of6 1/2 hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is effective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


23:56 2017/07/30日


20:08 2017/07/31月


20:02 2017/08/01火


23:04 2017/08/02水


21:37 2017/08/03木

査定の役割として、参加者は、 ADS(放射性否認システム)の効力についての声明に関するアンケイトゥ調査に答えた。

13:44 2017/08/04金


16:30 2017/08/05土


Field Demonstations16翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


23:56 2017/07/30日


20:08 2017/07/31月


20:02 2017/08/01火


23:04 2017/08/02水


21:37 2017/08/03木


Field Demonstrations15翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


23:56 2017/07/30日


20:08 2017/07/31月


20:02 2017/08/01火


23:04 2017/08/02水


Field Demonstrations14翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


23:56 2017/07/30日


20:08 2017/07/31月


20:02 2017/08/01火


Field Demonstrations13翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


23:56 2017/07/30日


20:08 2017/07/31月


Field Demonstrations12翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


23:56 2017/07/30日


Field Demonstrations11翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


20:52 2017/07/29土


Field Demonstrations10翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


20:52 2017/07/28金


Field Demonstrations9翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日

22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


21:00 2017/07/26水


21:09 2017/07/27木


Field Demonstrations8翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日


22:31 2017/07/24月


22:54 2017/07/25火


Field Demonstrations7翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日


22:31 2017/07/24月





1952年 - バスケットボール最中に左足膝に大ケガ。
1956年 - この頃まで、酒とたばこと女に溺れる日々を送る(不良少年)。幼少時代から肝臓は悪かったといわれている(高校生の頃に黄疸を発症したことがある)。
1957年 - 自由が丘で無免許運転し右足打撲。また映画ロケ中にデッキチェアーに手を挟み右手薬指負傷。
1961年 - 志賀高原スキー場でスキーヤーと衝突し右足首粉砕複雑骨折(後に右太股腫性膿瘍の手術で入院)。
1964年 - ハワイでヨット乗船中に右まぶたを11針縫う。
1965年 - ヨット乗船中に腹痛のため大会を途中断念。
1967年 - 右手親指骨折および左足打撲で入院。
1968年 - 右足打撲で全治1か月入院。
1971年 - 心労と胸部疾患(後に急性肺炎→肺結核と判明)のため映画宣伝中に入院。
1974年 - 階段で転倒し左肩打撲(後に左鎖骨骨折と判明)。
1978年 - 舌下潰瘍のため入院・手術。その後悪性腫瘍(舌癌)との診断を受けたが、石原本人には告知されなかった(1983年再発)。
1979年 - 舌下白板症と診断され、術後部に潰瘍が出来たため再手術し退院。
1981年4月 - 『西部警察』のロケ撮影中、背中と胸に激痛が走り慶應義塾大学病院に緊急入院。当初椎間板ヘルニアと疑われたが、その後解離性大動脈瘤と診断され(後に右耳が難聴となる)大手術を決行。生還率3%と言われたが、手術後、奇跡的な回復を遂げ無事退院(見舞い客は1万2,000人、手紙5,000通、花束2,000束、千羽鶴1,000束、さらには石原の車のボディーにも励ましのメッセージを書く人もあった)。退院後も首、腰の痛み、発熱が続いた。
1984年 - 肝臓癌が発覚し、倦怠感・腰痛の末、原因不明の発熱にいたる(前の定期健診で肝細胞癌と診断されるが、裕次郎本人には最期までガン告知せず)。
1986年5月 - 高熱が続くため慶應義塾大学病院に入院。血圧降下剤の副作用による肝内胆管炎と診断。7月に退院後はハワイで静養。
1987年4月 - ハワイから帰国直後に慶應義塾大学病院へ検査入院。

22:44 2017/10/30月


Field Demonstrations6翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21土


22:11 2017/07/23日



鳥越俊太郎と共産党局BS朝日は、ありもしなかったやらせ番組BS朝日『鳥越俊太郎の遺言 〜ガンと共に生きる〜』 を過去の日付けで、しかも盗んだお金で制作。

23:47 2017/07/22日


Field Demonstrations5翻訳

Field Demonstrations

Demonstrating the ability of the ADS to have military utility was a critical part of the
development effort. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)conducted three joint military utility assessments (JMUAs) of ADS ACTD System 1. The
three JMUAs were held over the course of 8 months, using Air Force, Army, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol personnel to operate System 1 in a variety of
scenarios and in a wide range of realistic environments. Not surprisingly, the Humvee
platform, which is at its maximum weight with the millimeter wave weapon system and
is unarmored and not ruggedized, was deemed an operational issue for deployment in a
desert environment. However, the military utility assessment results demonstrated the
warfighters’ assessment that the ADS is a highly effective, non-lethal, counter-personnel
Joint Military Utility Assessment One was conducted at Creech Air Force Base, NV, in
August 2005. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the ability of ADS to
enhance military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and entry control point (ECP)
operations. Three airmen from the 99th Security Forces Group, at Creech Air Force Base
and Nellis Air Force Base, and four soldiers from the Air Defense Artillery School and 1st
Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Fort Bliss, were trained as weapon crew for this
assessment. Live, force-on-force exercises were conducted, including two MOUT
scenarios and two ECP scenarios. ECP scenarios entailed extended overwatch for a total
of 6? hours. The ADS crews fired 657 shots and achieved 914 hits on human targets.
This operational assessment was accomplished in conjunction with USAF Expeditionary
Personnel Training. Friendly forces and opposing forces (OPFOR) were volunteers from
the training squadron cadre and trainees. As part of the assessment, participants answered
questionnaires on statements regarding ADS effectiveness. There was strong consensus
among the warfighter participants that ADS has military utility and is e20:56 2017/07/11ffective at
impacting the actions of individuals and crowds.

20:34 2017/07/08土

空軍実戦配備テストゥや評価調査センター(AFOTEC)は、ADS(放射性否認システム) ACTDシステム1の三部門統合軍事有用性査定を実施した。

21:29 2017/07/09日


22:36 2017/07/10月


20:57 2017/07/11火


23:41 2017/07/21金