- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 細川隆法幸福の科学総裁は、萩本欽一 - 小泉進次郎衆院議員と結婚する滝川クリステルのキリンビールCMは、差し替える事になった。 理由は、CMには「妊娠中・授乳期の飲酒はやめましょう」とテロップが入っている為。 一議員と議員ではない単なるフリーアナウンサー滝川クリステルの婚約会見を首相官邸でやってのけた非常識小泉進次郎と首相安倍晋三。 自分の婚約者...
    5 年前



Joint Military Utility Assessment Three7翻訳

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three

Joint Military Utility Assessment Three was conducted at Santa Rosa Island, Eglin AFB,
FL, in April 2006. The primary objective was to assess the capability of ADS to enhance
the force protection mission in port and harbor environments. The following personnel
were trained as weapon crew: three USCG personnel from the USCG Special Mission
Training Center (SMTC), Camp Lejeune and two airmen from the AF Security Forces
Center and 37th Security Forces Squadron, Lackland AFB. These trained personnel
participated in boat-on-water scenarios and pierside security demonstrations. Three
pierside demonstrations and three boat-on-water iterations were accomplished, with five
target boats per iteration. For this first-time, live-fire demonstration over water, safety considerations required the vessels to be stationary while their crew members conducted
hostile activities. ADS crews fired 305 shots and achieved 474 hits on human targets.
OPFOR were volunteers from USCG SMTC.

三部門統合軍事有用性査定3は、 2006年4月サンタローザ島エグリン空軍基地、フロリダで実施された。

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