- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 自分を失った時人は自分らしくできない - 認知症なんて言わなかった、ぼけ老人と言っていた。認知症と言えば格好がつくとでも思っている。厚生労働省は誰でも何歳でも発症すると言っている。何と便利な。統合失調症も便利だが認知症も便利だ。医者にとって、厚生労働省にとって。皆、病人を出さなければない仕事だ。「認知症になっても自分らしく生きる社会」と書いてある。認知症...
    2 週間前




4 Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002). Millimeter wave absorption in the
nonhuman primate eye at 35GHz and 94GHz. Health Physics, 83, 83-90.
5 Foster KR, D’Andrea JA, Chalfin, S, and Hatcher, DJ (2003). Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave
Damage to the primate cornea at 35GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics, 84(6): 764-769.
6 Mason, PA, Walters, TJ, DiGiovanni, J, Beason, CW, Jauchem, JR, Dick, EJ, Jr., Mahajan, K, Dusch, SJ,
Shields, BA, Merritt, JH, Murphy, MR, and Ryan, KL (2001). Lack of Effect of 94.0 GHz Radio
Frequency Radiation Exposure in an Animal Model of Skin Carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 22:1701-
1708, 2001.
Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002).
35GHz and 94GHzで人間以外の霊長目の目におけるmm波吸収スペクトル。

21:03 2017/05/25木


Other Considerations4翻訳

Other Considerations.

Effects on reproductive organs were also considered in the
research program. Due to the shallow penetration depth of millimeter waves, there is no
damage to reproductive organs. As part of the verification testing, a sperm
motility/morphology study was conducted and verified no effects. Likewise, pacemakers,
metal implants, artificial hips, etc. are unaffected by millimeter waves.
4 Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002). Millimeter wave absorption in the
nonhuman primate eye at 35GHz and 94GHz. Health Physics, 83, 83-90.
5 Foster KR, D’Andrea JA, Chalfin, S, and Hatcher, DJ (2003). Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave
Damage to the primate cornea at 35GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics, 84(6): 764-769.
6 Mason, PA, Walters, TJ, DiGiovanni, J, Beason, CW, Jauchem, JR, Dick, EJ, Jr., Mahajan, K, Dusch, SJ,
Shields, BA, Merritt, JH, Murphy, MR, and Ryan, KL (2001). Lack of Effect of 94.0 GHz Radio
Frequency Radiation Exposure in an Animal Model of Skin Carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 22:1701-
1708, 2001.

20:47 2017/05/20土


21:26 2017/05/21日


23:13 2017/05/23火


23:20 2017/05/24水


Other Cosiderations3翻訳

Other Considerations.

Effects on reproductive organs were also considered in the
research program. Due to the shallow penetration depth of millimeter waves, there is no
damage to reproductive organs. As part of the verification testing, a sperm
motility/morphology study was conducted and verified no effects. Likewise, pacemakers,
metal implants, artificial hips, etc. are unaffected by millimeter waves.
4 Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002). Millimeter wave absorption in the
nonhuman primate eye at 35GHz and 94GHz. Health Physics, 83, 83-90.
5 Foster KR, D’Andrea JA, Chalfin, S, and Hatcher, DJ (2003). Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave
Damage to the primate cornea at 35GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics, 84(6): 764-769.
6 Mason, PA, Walters, TJ, DiGiovanni, J, Beason, CW, Jauchem, JR, Dick, EJ, Jr., Mahajan, K, Dusch, SJ,
Shields, BA, Merritt, JH, Murphy, MR, and Ryan, KL (2001). Lack of Effect of 94.0 GHz Radio
Frequency Radiation Exposure in an Animal Model of Skin Carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 22:1701-
1708, 2001.

20:47 2017/05/20土


21:26 2017/05/21日


23:13 2017/05/23火





22:44 2017/05/22月


Other Considerations2翻訳

Other Considerations.

Effects on reproductive organs were also considered in the
research program. Due to the shallow penetration depth of millimeter waves, there is no
damage to reproductive organs. As part of the verification testing, a sperm
motility/morphology study was conducted and verified no effects. Likewise, pacemakers,
metal implants, artificial hips, etc. are unaffected by millimeter waves.
4 Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002). Millimeter wave absorption in the
nonhuman primate eye at 35GHz and 94GHz. Health Physics, 83, 83-90.
5 Foster KR, D’Andrea JA, Chalfin, S, and Hatcher, DJ (2003). Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave
Damage to the primate cornea at 35GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics, 84(6): 764-769.
6 Mason, PA, Walters, TJ, DiGiovanni, J, Beason, CW, Jauchem, JR, Dick, EJ, Jr., Mahajan, K, Dusch, SJ,
Shields, BA, Merritt, JH, Murphy, MR, and Ryan, KL (2001). Lack of Effect of 94.0 GHz Radio
Frequency Radiation Exposure in an Animal Model of Skin Carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 22:1701-
1708, 2001.

20:47 2017/05/20土


21:26 2017/05/21日


Other Consderations1翻訳

Other Considerations.

Effects on reproductive organs were also considered in the
research program. Due to the shallow penetration depth of millimeter waves, there is no
damage to reproductive organs. As part of the verification testing, a sperm
motility/morphology study was conducted and verified no effects. Likewise, pacemakers,
metal implants, artificial hips, etc. are unaffected by millimeter waves.
4 Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002). Millimeter wave absorption in the
nonhuman primate eye at 35GHz and 94GHz. Health Physics, 83, 83-90.
5 Foster KR, D’Andrea JA, Chalfin, S, and Hatcher, DJ (2003). Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave
Damage to the primate cornea at 35GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics, 84(6): 764-769.
6 Mason, PA, Walters, TJ, DiGiovanni, J, Beason, CW, Jauchem, JR, Dick, EJ, Jr., Mahajan, K, Dusch, SJ,
Shields, BA, Merritt, JH, Murphy, MR, and Ryan, KL (2001). Lack of Effect of 94.0 GHz Radio
Frequency Radiation Exposure in an Animal Model of Skin Carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 22:1701-
1708, 2001.

20:47 2017/05/20土





right of collective self-defenseと英語になっているが、私が国連憲章を訳した時は、違う単語が使ってあった。



1-09 ・・・国民代表

22:26 2017/05/19金


Cancer Studies7翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


21:15 2017/05/12金


21:40 2017/05/13土


21:40 2017/05/14日


20:47 2017/05/16火


22:08 2017/05/17水


20:33 2017/05/18木


Cancer Studies6翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


21:15 2017/05/12金


21:40 2017/05/13土


21:40 2017/05/14日


20:47 2017/05/16火


22:08 2017/05/17水


Cancer Studies5翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


21:15 2017/05/12金


21:40 2017/05/13土


21:40 2017/05/14日


20:47 2017/05/16火



ヒロミ(小園 浩己)と松本伊代は、10数年前から米子市に家を健てて、住宅取得税も固定資産税も住民税も、


ヒロミ(小園 浩己)と松本伊代は、何れ抹殺されるだろう。


ウイルソン - 超防水
NTTドコモ - ドコモのインフォ
大塚製薬 - ポカリスエット「フーパーダム」篇
住友物産 - リンクス
ソフトバンクモバイル - 「ご当地」篇
東洋水産 - ホットヌードル
トヨタ - カローラ
日本スポーツ振興センター - toto
ライオン - スマイルVin


藤井フミヤ&憲武とヒロミ配信「友よ」(2015年6月3日 - 、フジメロ)

23:00 2017/05/15月


Cancer Studies4翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


21:15 2017/05/12金


21:40 2017/05/13土


Cancer Studies3翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


21:15 2017/05/12金


21:40 2017/05/13土


Cancer Studies2翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


21:15 2017/05/12金


Cancer Studies1翻訳

Cancer Studies.

Scientists believed from the outset that millimeter waves are nonionizing
and, therefore, do not initiate, promote, or co-promote skin cancer. To confirm
this hypothesis, a research program was conducted to determine whether the ADS beam
might promote or co-promote carcinogenesis in the skin. Using established practices in
skin cancer research, the ADS human effects research team investigated the possibility
that single or repeated exposures would promote or co-promote skin cancer. These tests
included exposing mice to millimeter waves for up to 12 weeks. The results of these tests
clearly showed no evidence of cancer promotion or co-promotion. The test results were
conclusive that the ADS millimeter wave energy is not a cancer risk. The findings of
these studies were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Carcinogenesis in

20:58 2017/05/11木


Effects On The Eyes6翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金


23:00 2017/05/06土


23:19 2017/05/07日



23:27 2017/05/08月


21:06 2017/05/09火

眼球テストゥの調査結果は、科学医療雑誌Health Physicsで2002.4 と2003.5に公開された。

21:42 2017/05/10水


Effects On The Eyes5翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金


23:00 2017/05/06土


23:19 2017/05/07日



23:27 2017/05/08月


21:06 2017/05/09火


Effects on the Eyes4翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金


23:00 2017/05/06土


23:19 2017/05/07日



23:27 2017/05/08月


Effects on the Eyes3翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金


23:00 2017/05/06土


23:19 2017/05/07日


Effects on the Eyes2翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金


23:00 2017/05/06土


Effects on the Eyes1翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金


Skin Effects23翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


15:43 2017/04/29土


16:09 2017/04/30日

With respect to concerns about skin damage, in most instances there is no after-effect. On
occasion, some skin reddening and irritation has been observed. The 11,000 exposures
produced only eight second-degree burns, six of which consisted of pea-size blisters that
healed without medical attention. The other two required medical care; both individuals
recovered fully without complications.

20:38 2017/05/01月


20:34 2017/05/02火


19:41 2017/05/03水


23:31 2017/05/04木


Skin Effects22翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


15:43 2017/04/29土


16:09 2017/04/30日

With respect to concerns about skin damage, in most instances there is no after-effect. On
occasion, some skin reddening and irritation has been observed. The 11,000 exposures
produced only eight second-degree burns, six of which consisted of pea-size blisters that
healed without medical attention. The other two required medical care; both individuals
recovered fully without complications.

20:38 2017/05/01月


20:34 2017/05/02火


19:41 2017/05/03水


Skin Effects21翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


15:43 2017/04/29土


16:09 2017/04/30日

With respect to concerns about skin damage, in most instances there is no after-effect. On
occasion, some skin reddening and irritation has been observed. The 11,000 exposures
produced only eight second-degree burns, six of which consisted of pea-size blisters that
healed without medical attention. The other two required medical care; both individuals
recovered fully without complications.

20:38 2017/05/01月


20:34 2017/05/02火


Skin Effects20翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


15:43 2017/04/29土


16:09 2017/04/30日

With respect to concerns about skin damage, in most instances there is no after-effect. On
occasion, some skin reddening and irritation has been observed. The 11,000 exposures
produced only eight second-degree burns, six of which consisted of pea-size blisters that
healed without medical attention. The other two required medical care; both individuals
recovered fully without complications.

20:38 2017/05/01月


Skin Effects19翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学
21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


15:43 2017/04/29土


16:09 2017/04/30日


Skin Effects18翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


Skin Effects17翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木

As of the time of writing, there have been over 11,000 exposures on over 700 humans in
the laboratory and field studies. Of those 700 humans, 172 volunteers were exposed in
the laboratory small spot size evaluations; the other volunteers were exposed in outdoor
field assessments using the full spot size from the full-scale millimeter wave source and
antenna configuration.

23:48 2017/04/28金


Skin Effects16翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水

熱モデルだけの比較 健康物理学

21:04 2017/04/27木


Skin Effects15翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) マイクロ波に呼び覚まされた人の皮膚内の温熱感覚、生体電磁気学18: 403-409.
21:02 2017/04/25火

3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000)

21:01 2017/04/26水


Skin Effects14翻訳

Skin Effects.

Through studies to understand and quantify the effects on human skin were
conducted. A major goal of the skin effect studies was to determine if the rapid increase
in skin temperature could cause injury, and also to quantify the human reaction rate for
the perception of the temperature increase. The baseline for conducting the initial human
effects studies was research conducted in the 1940s on skin temperature increases and the
effects of intense heating on the skin.1 ADS human effects testing, like all DOD scientific
research using human volunteers, was conducted under strict human use experimentation
protocols that are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board and approved by the lead
Service Surgeon General. The initial human effects studies were conducted in a
laboratory and consisted of exposing the backs of volunteer subjects to a small spot of
millimeter wave energy. The subjects sat on a stool and moved when the heating
sensation became intolerable. Their reaction time was measured, and any resulting skin
irritation examined. The research showed that a considerable safety margin exists
between the time it takes for a person to feel the heating sensation and move away from
the beam and the time it takes for the beam to produce an injury. Research results were
published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals in 1997.2 and 2000.3. Testing
later moved to the field, where data on full spot size exposures was recorded.

21:07 2017/04/03月


20:37 2017/04/04火


16:28 2017/04/05水

ADS人体作用実験は、人体提供者を使ったあらゆるDOD(国防総省Department of Defense) 調査のように、

16:42 2017/04/06木


21:53 2017/04/07金


20:40 2017/04/08土


16:39 2017/04/10月

16:54 2017/04/11火


16:11 2017/04/19水
調査結果は、論文審査制刊行誌で1997.2 と 2000.3に発表された。

16:16 2017/04/20木


14:55 2017/04/22土

1 Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947).Studies of thermal injury. II. The relative importance of time
and surface temperature in the causation of cutaneous burns. Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720
2 Blick, DW, Adair, ER, Hurt, WD, Sherry, CJ, Walters, TJ and Merritt, JH (1997) Thresholds of
Microwave-Evoked Warmth Sensations in Human Skin, Bioelectromagnetics 18: 403-409.
3 Walters, TJ, Blick, DW, Johnson, LR, Adair, ER, and Foster, KR (2000) Heating and Pain Sensation
Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Comparison to a Simple Thermal Model. Health Physics
78(3): 259-267.
Morit, A.R. and Henriques, F.C. Jr, (1947)熱傷研究。

22:17 2017/04/23日

Am J Pathol, 23, 697-720

21:07 2017/04/24月

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21:02 2017/04/25火