- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 私の全身全霊が記憶している不正措置入院 - 「認知機能」は、人が心理学的な「認知」を行うための、知的機能を総称した概念です。五感(見る、聴く、触る、嗅ぐ、味わう)を介して外部から得た情報をもとに、物事の現状を認識したり、言葉を操ったり、計算・学習・記憶を行ったりします私達は脳からの指令で動いてはいない。今、私がこれを書いている理由、「統合失調症」という病...
    1 か月前



Other Considerations2翻訳

Other Considerations.

Effects on reproductive organs were also considered in the
research program. Due to the shallow penetration depth of millimeter waves, there is no
damage to reproductive organs. As part of the verification testing, a sperm
motility/morphology study was conducted and verified no effects. Likewise, pacemakers,
metal implants, artificial hips, etc. are unaffected by millimeter waves.
4 Chalfin S, D’Andrea JA, Comeau PD, Belt ME and Hatcher DJ (2002). Millimeter wave absorption in the
nonhuman primate eye at 35GHz and 94GHz. Health Physics, 83, 83-90.
5 Foster KR, D’Andrea JA, Chalfin, S, and Hatcher, DJ (2003). Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave
Damage to the primate cornea at 35GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics, 84(6): 764-769.
6 Mason, PA, Walters, TJ, DiGiovanni, J, Beason, CW, Jauchem, JR, Dick, EJ, Jr., Mahajan, K, Dusch, SJ,
Shields, BA, Merritt, JH, Murphy, MR, and Ryan, KL (2001). Lack of Effect of 94.0 GHz Radio
Frequency Radiation Exposure in an Animal Model of Skin Carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 22:1701-
1708, 2001.

20:47 2017/05/20土


21:26 2017/05/21日