- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 細川隆法幸福の科学総裁は、萩本欽一 - 小泉進次郎衆院議員と結婚する滝川クリステルのキリンビールCMは、差し替える事になった。 理由は、CMには「妊娠中・授乳期の飲酒はやめましょう」とテロップが入っている為。 一議員と議員ではない単なるフリーアナウンサー滝川クリステルの婚約会見を首相官邸でやってのけた非常識小泉進次郎と首相安倍晋三。 自分の婚約者...
    5 年前



Effects on the Eyes1翻訳

Effects on the Eyes.

A thorough research program was conducted to assess effects on the
eyes, with and without eyewear (glasses, contact lenses, night vision goggles, etc.).
Researchers learned that the human eye reflexively blinks within a quarter of a second of
detecting millimeter waves, quickly protecting the eyes. In addition to the blink response,
the human reflex is to raise the hands or turn the head to avoid the effect. The research
also showed that the use of eyewear does not impact the human target. Similar to the skin
effect studies, the eye effect research began with small spot size exposures in the
laboratory, followed by full spot size exposures in outdoor field experiments. Research
results of the eye tests were published in the scientific medical journal Health Physics in
20024 and 2003.5

23:07 2017/05/05金