- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 細川隆法幸福の科学総裁は、萩本欽一 - 小泉進次郎衆院議員と結婚する滝川クリステルのキリンビールCMは、差し替える事になった。 理由は、CMには「妊娠中・授乳期の飲酒はやめましょう」とテロップが入っている為。 一議員と議員ではない単なるフリーアナウンサー滝川クリステルの婚約会見を首相官邸でやってのけた非常識小泉進次郎と首相安倍晋三。 自分の婚約者...
    5 年前



To Mrs. Will. H. Low.1/Robert Louis Stevenson翻訳

To Mrs. Will. H. Low.
From Underwoods
Robert Louis Stevenson

Even in the bluest noonday of July,
There could not run the smallest breath of wind
But all the quarter sounded like a wood;
And in the chequered silence and above
The hum of city cabs that sought the Bois,
Suburban ashes shivered into song.
A patter and a chatter and a chirp
And a long dying hiss -- it was as though
Starched old brocaded dames through all the house
Had trailed a strident skirt, or her whole sky
Even in a wink had over-brimmed in rain.
Hark, in these shady parlours, how it talks
Of the near autumn, how the smitten ash
Trembles and augurs floods! O not too long
In these inconstant latitudes delay,
O not too late from the unbeloved north
Trim your escape! For soon shall this low roof
Resound indeed with rain, soon shall your eyes
Search the foul garden, search the darkened rooms,
Nor find one jewel but the blazing log.

22:15 2016/02/12金