- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 私の全身全霊が記憶している不正措置入院 - 「認知機能」は、人が心理学的な「認知」を行うための、知的機能を総称した概念です。五感(見る、聴く、触る、嗅ぐ、味わう)を介して外部から得た情報をもとに、物事の現状を認識したり、言葉を操ったり、計算・学習・記憶を行ったりします私達は脳からの指令で動いてはいない。今、私がこれを書いている理由、「統合失調症」という病...
    1 か月前



I refuse any lights

西島三重子 一瞬の夏

I try and try to tear.
A white screen.
Red blood ・・
Your innocent blood・・
A light streams in through there the place I tore.
There is not a crack a light comes through.
Because a crack is closed by your dread and blood.
I don't need any light anymore.
I feel satisfaction in your darkness.
I am satisfied with your sadness.

I try and try to bore.
Everywhere else on the earth.
Your red blood is flowing out from the cut.
Your innocent blood is overflowing a crack.
I refuse any lights .
I have peace of mind in your pain.
I feel peace of my mind in your thick darkness.

21:16 2010/05/06 Thursday