- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 細川隆法幸福の科学総裁は、萩本欽一 - 小泉進次郎衆院議員と結婚する滝川クリステルのキリンビールCMは、差し替える事になった。 理由は、CMには「妊娠中・授乳期の飲酒はやめましょう」とテロップが入っている為。 一議員と議員ではない単なるフリーアナウンサー滝川クリステルの婚約会見を首相官邸でやってのけた非常識小泉進次郎と首相安倍晋三。 自分の婚約者...
    5 年前



Chicago/Eydie Gorme翻訳一日目

Eydie Gorme

I got the surprise, the surprise of my life
I had to stop and stare
I saw a man dancing with his own wife
And you'll never guess where...

Chicago, Chicago -- that toddlin' town, that toddlin' town
Chicago, Chicago -- I'll show you around -- I love it
Betcha bottom dollar you'll lose your blues
In Chicago, Chicago
The town that Billy Sunday could not shut down
シカゴ、シカゴ -- あのぶらぶら歩くだけの街、あのぶらぶら歩くだけの街
シカゴ、シカゴ -- 私は、貴方にあちこち見せましょう

On State Street, that great street
I just want to stay, I just want to stay
They do things they don't do on Broadway, say
They have the time, the time of their life
I saw a man who danced with his wife
In Chicago ... Chicago ... Chicago, Chicago
Free and easy town, brassy, breezy town
Chicago ... Chicago
Let me cool my heels right down at Marshall Field
Come and walk with
Along the lake, to the drake
Hollar and hoot, all through the loop
Shout out now to Mrs. O'Leary's cow
No she-she, life is peachy
Chicago ... we'll meet at the Pump Room Ambassador East
To say the least
On shishkabob and breast of squab we will feed and get free
Don't tell me sin is rampid and right
Think of that man who danced with his wife
In Chicago ... Chicago ...
I feel sympathy for that wonderful, windy town!

22:28 2015/08/18火曜日