Blue Eyes - Within Temptation (Lyrics)

Blue Eyes - Within Temptation (Lyrics)

Title Blue Eyes
Artist Within Temptation

Blue eyes just smile to the world
Full of dreams and with fascination
Too soon she saw that her hands were chained and pulled without any freedom
It's always the same, they fear no way out
I cannot break it
I can take it no more

It's burning me up inside
Lost all my tears, can't cry
No reason, no meaning
Just hatred
No matter how hard I try
You fear the beast inside
It's growing, it's waiting
Just to hurt you

This heart was hurt by the light and
I see your world that tries to deny us
Now everything that I love has died or has been shattered to pieces
It's always the same, they fear no way out
I cannot break it
I can take it no more

Just to hurt you
Just to hurt you

Can't you see their eyes, what lies inside
They've given up, they no longer shine
Too soon they close with one last cry
Before they turn to light

It's burning me up inside
Lost all my tears, can't cry
No reason, no meaning
Just hatred
No matter how hard I try
You fear the beast inside
It's growing, it's waiting
Just to hurt you

Just to hurt you

Within Temptationは、

マイブログ リスト



  • 存在 台所では - 存在 台所では台所では一刻も早く意識を失い嫌悪を丸め込み明瞭を閉じ込め夜明けまでに肝心なことは振り捨てて打ち明けるとしたら一言二言台所では言わなくてもいい自分がトマトに似てしまうので恥ずかしい理不尽に駆け寄っては母は暗い窓の向こうを見詰め泣いていた開けっ放した戸から引っ張り込みたい希望私は母の後ろで分別というも...
    5 か月前



メデタサは すべからくちりぬるを

Andrea Bocelli - Melodramma 
Questa mia canzone
Inno dell'amore
Te la canto adesso
Con il mio dolor
Così forte, così grande
che mi trafigge il cuor.

Ma limpido è il mattino
tra i campi odor di vino
Io ti sognavo e adesso
Ti vedo ancora lì
Ah, quanta nostalgia
Affresco di collina
Io pìango che pazzia
Fu andarsene poi via.

Questa melodia
Inno dell'amore

Te la canto e sento
Tutto il mio dolor
Così forte, così grande
che mi trafigge il cuor.

Ma limpido è il mattino
tra i campi un gran mulino
lì è nato il mio destino
amaro senza te…
amaro senza te.

E questo core canta
Un dolce melodramma
È l'inno dell'amor
Che canterò per te
È un melodramma che
Che canto senza te.

メデタサは すべからくちりぬるを

世の中が みな背を向けて
夜の闇に ひとり取り残されれば

急いで 追いかけるのでしょうか
慌てて 呼び求めるのでしょうか

字面(じづら)として表したくない いろはにほへと
秘めた思いが 天井に貼り付いて
夜明けと共に ちりぬるを

口には出来ない いろはにほへと
秘密の回廊 通り過ぎ
メデタサは すべからくちりぬるを

朝の光 正面から浴びる度
世の中が 手招きしているようで
歩いて行っては 日が暮れる

押し黙る いろはにほへと
惑乱の回廊 巡り行き
メデタサは すべからくちりぬるを
