- Within Temptation (Lyrics) -The Truth Beneath The Rose



  • 細川隆法幸福の科学総裁は、萩本欽一 - 小泉進次郎衆院議員と結婚する滝川クリステルのキリンビールCMは、差し替える事になった。 理由は、CMには「妊娠中・授乳期の飲酒はやめましょう」とテロップが入っている為。 一議員と議員ではない単なるフリーアナウンサー滝川クリステルの婚約会見を首相官邸でやってのけた非常識小泉進次郎と首相安倍晋三。 自分の婚約者...
    5 年前



My life is wrecked

 The first time 

Everyone want to behave naturally.
Everyone is free to eat or not.
Everyone is free to think or not.
Everyone is free to see or not.
Everyone is free to sleep or not.

I want my spine.
I want to walk with my back straight.
I want my face.I want to sing a song in my shape of lip.
I want my finger.
And I want to strum the strings of my guitar with my free finger.
I want my leg.
I want to sit with my long legs crossed.

My body is destroyed and change different shapes.
My life is wrecked.
It seems  a broken mirror.
I can't look at myself in the mirror. I can't live myself.
This cocktail tastes like a hell on earth.

22:37 2010/06/07 Monday
